Having got this far in completing Job-Fit, you now have a better idea of what you are good at, what kinds of jobs you might like, and what strengths you can bring to a job and the requirements of the job. Now you need to set some goals and develop a plan of action for achieving your goals.
Job-Fit will help you to identify the type of occupation that best suits your skills and desires. In setting your employment goals, you need to be clear about the differences between a career and a job:
A career is your life’s work. Sometimes a career is called your profession or your vocation. Many people change jobs or even careers frequently, so you do not necessarily have to focus on having a career right now.
A job is any kind of paid work that you do at a particular place and time.
Further, you need to consider the following points:
- Having a learning disability does not define who you are.
- There is no one ideal job for any person.
- To figure out your employment goals, you need to look at your strengths, difficulties, interests, and opportunities.
- Just like other people, you will look at and then have to discard many career choices.
- Just like other people, you may find it hard to get and keep the right kind of job.
- To identify a job for yourself, you need to look at your skills, the things that you can do, your interests, the things that you like or want to do, and the situations in which you would like to use these skills.